Preventive Care for Children in West Bend, WI

At Bright Side Pediatric Dentistry in West Bend, WI, we understand the importance of preventive care for children’s dental health. Our comprehensive preventive care services are designed to ensure your child’s smile stays bright and healthy for years to come.

Overview of Pediatric Preventive Care

Early dental care is crucial in maintaining optimal oral health throughout life. Our pediatric preventive care focuses on identifying and addressing potential dental issues before they progress to more significant problems. By emphasizing prevention over treatment, we aim to instill good oral hygiene habits in children from a young age.

Benefits of Preventive Care for Children

Preventive dental care has numerous benefits for children. It reduces the risk of cavities and other dental issues and promotes overall health and well-being. By attending regular preventive appointments, children learn the importance of caring for their teeth and gums, setting them up for a lifetime of good oral health.

What Does a Typical Appointment Look Like?

When you bring your child to Bright Side Pediatric Dentistry for a preventive care appointment, you can expect a welcoming environment designed to put children at ease. Our friendly team will conduct a comprehensive examination, including teeth cleaning, oral exams, and any necessary radiographs (X-rays). We’ll also take the time to educate your family on proper oral hygiene techniques and provide personalized treatment recommendations based on their individual needs.

Experience Our Commitment
to Dental Excellence

Preventive Care Services at Bright Side Pediatric Dentistry

  • Teeth Cleaning: Our skilled dental hygienists will gently remove plaque and tartar buildup from your child’s teeth, leaving them feeling fresh and clean. We’ll also polish their teeth to give them a bright, healthy shine.
  • Complete Oral Exams: Our dentist will thoroughly assess your child’s oral health status, checking for any signs of dental issues such as cavities, gum disease, or tooth decay.
  • Fluoride Varnish:  Fluoride varnish acts like “vitamins for teeth,” fortifying enamel, shielding against cavities, and aiding in restoring early decay. 


  • Radiographs (X-rays): We may take diagnostic X-rays to detect hidden dental problems that may not be visible during a visual examination. Rest assured that our digital X-ray technology minimizes radiation exposure for your child’s safety.
  • Sealants: To protect your child’s molars from cavities, we offer dental sealants, a thin protective coating applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. This simple procedure can help prevent cavities in hard-to-reach areas.
  • Orthodontic Screenings: Our team will evaluate your child’s dental alignment and bite during preventive care appointments. Early detection of orthodontic issues allows for timely intervention and more effective treatment outcomes.

Choose Bright Side Pediatric Dentistry for Preventive Care

Investing in your child’s oral health can lead to a lifetime of healthy smiles. Schedule a preventive care appointment for your child at Bright Side Pediatric Dentistry in West Bend, WI, today. Contact us to book an appointment or to learn more about our pediatric dental services.